2023:Atiku will fix Nigeria-Ogunade, UK based security expert boasts - NIGERIAN NEWSORBIT


Saturday, November 05, 2022

2023:Atiku will fix Nigeria-Ogunade, UK based security expert boasts

A member of Atiku Abubakar Campaign Team in Diaspora, Mr Soji Ogunade has said that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has the competencies and needed experience to attend to so many woes bedeviling the country.

Mr Soji Ogunade, in a statement made available to journalists over the weekend revealed that of all that are jostling to take over from President Muhammadu Buhari next year May, the former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar stands shoulder high to deliver a more secured and prosperous Nigeria if voted into office.

The security analyst, who also hold a degree in Business Management and Law from United Kingdom said that the precarious situation the Nigeria economy has found itself required someone like Alhaji Atiku Abubakar who had formerly served as the country's Vice President for eight years and an entrepreneur of note to make some dramatic turning around for the country.

Ogunade, a member of the prestigious Ijebu Ode Club who also speaks French, German and Polish said "as the 2023 presidential election is about four months away, it is just good to draw the attention of Nigerians to the fact that the PDP presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar remain the right choice. 

"If we are looking for that politician and administrator par excellence that could help Nigeria navigate out of its present disheartening situation, it is PDP presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar.

"The indices of our current economic realities with prices of foodstuff reaching the rooftop, dollar exchanging for N900, hyper inflation, mounting insecurity and unemployment, abject poverty, hunger among the rest only confirm the failure of APC government. It has really been a retrogressive change

"In the face of all these confusion, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has all it takes to bring back Nigeria of our dreams. He is quite versatile and dynamic. He has the experience, he operates his businesses in the country. He knows where the shoe pinches Nigerian. A very detribalised Nigerian, I see a new and prosperous Nigeria under Atiku's leadership and so I enjoin Nigerians to cast their votes for him during next year presidential election".

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