Superflux denies ballot printing scandal, Covid-19 fund embezzlement, absolves Ogun SSG, Talabi of any shady deals - NIGERIAN NEWSORBIT


Saturday, August 05, 2023

Superflux denies ballot printing scandal, Covid-19 fund embezzlement, absolves Ogun SSG, Talabi of any shady deals

                 Mr Tokunbo Talabi, Ogun SSG 

....threatens legal action against those misinforming public DSS grills Talabi over alleged fraud 

A leading security printing company, Superflux Nigeria Limited, has described as barbaric and spurious, allegations that the company was contracted to print ballots papers by the Independent National Electoral Commission ( INEC) and in the process favoured certain candidates in the just concluded 2023 general elections.

The company has equally frowned at being tagged as conduit for money laundering, siphoning COVID19 funds, saying such allegations are clearly handiworks of mischief makers and traducers who were hell bent to tarnish the reputation  of the company before it's numerous customers and that of  it's former Director, who is presently the Secretary to the Ogun State Government, Mr Tokunbo Talabi.

The company, averred that it's response became necessary in the interest of the teeming members of the public who have deep trust in it's longstanding integrity as well as it's esteemed  partners who understand the excellent reputation of the company.

According to the statement signed by the company 's Managing Director, Gabriel Okwonko,  contrary to dangerous rumour making the rounds about being used to siphon COVID-19 funds, the company generously donated millions of naira to various beneficiaries during the pandemic,  in line with the conviction of its corporate social responsibility.

The statement added that a sum of Twenty Million naira was donated to Ogun State, the transaction it said was doctored by mischief makers to look as if money was sent to the company from the state's purse, wondering why adversaries of it's former director would come up with such lies for the purpose of blackmail.

The statement read:"To address these  absolutely false allegations, obviously being  cowardly peddled  by faceless fellows, we wish to state as follows:

"Our Company is extremely mindful and  jealously guards the responsibility the nature of our business puts on us as a corporate entity in the interest of our esteemed customers and the general public. 

"Contrary to the false and malicious allegations making the rounds, we state emphatically that our Company has NEVER and will NEVER be used as a conduit for money laundering or a vehicle for syphoning public funds or any illegitimate funds at all. 

"We find the false allegation that our Company retained ballot papers in the 2023 elections for the use and benefit of a particular candidate both disturbing and astonishing; as it is totally false in all ramifications. 

"For the records, our Company states categorically that it was not contracted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), (the agency in charge of electoral affairs in Nigeria with mandates to conduct elections) to print ballot papers for ANY elections during the 2023 electoral period. 

"We therefore did not print any ballot paper for for Ogun state and as such the opportunity did not arise.  Therefore, the false claim by the pliable section of the media that we produced extra ballot papers and fed a parallel channel is not only baseless and false, but also  aimed at achieving sinister purposes.

"We state without fear of contradiction that Mr. Tokunbo Talabi, our erstwhile director resigned in June 2019 to pursue other causes of interest to him and his resignation was accepted by our Board of Directors who wished him well in his endeavors. 

"We further find assertions of being used as a conduit for syphoning COVID19 Funds, a fund meant to support and rescue the world at the time of an explosive pandemic that claimed lives and brought businesses as well as daily life to a grinding halt, totally appalling, illogical, barbaric, extremely distasteful and blatantly false. 

"In actual fact, our Company as a responsible corporate entity had, despite the low business tempo of the business environment, decided to support various communities and institutions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. As a very humane company and being socially  responsible, we have in recent past,  embarked on various projects, interventions and donations. One of these is the N20 million donation to Ogun State Covid 19 Funds on April 6, 2020, which the hack writers and their collaborators found convenient to omit because of their evil intention. 

"In the same vein, another two million one hundred thousand naira was donated in the same manner and for the same purpose but different beneficiary on April 9, 2020.
All donations made by us were naturally debited in our accounts but, in their mischief, the fake news peddlers presented them as collections/credits.

"We find objectionable, the intrusion into our privacy and we are resolved to ensure that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to book and our legal advisers have been briefed accordingly; and surely appropriate steps will be taken against these criminals.

"Finally, we thank our customers for their continuing support and hereby warn the peddlers of malicious falsehood to desist from circulating these spurious allegations as we shall not hesitate to take legal steps in the interest of our reputation, business and integrity".

However, a report by Punch on Saturday  disclosed  that Department of State Services has invited and interrogated the Talabi over these allegations of fraud levelled against him.

A source from the DSS who craved anonymity was said to have hinted that the invitation and subsequent interrogation were a result of the allegations levelled against him.

The source was quoted to have said that the grilling took place at the Ogun State Command Headquarters of the DSS, Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, on Friday, at 6:55 pm.

Talabi was reportedly grilled for five hours on Friday but was released afterwards on self-recognition.

The SSG's alleged involvement with Superflux Printing Limited, located on Acme Road, Ikeja, Lagos State, has in recent times come under close scrutiny.

It was gathered that a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Mike Ozekhome, had submitted a petition to the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission, Code of Conduct Bureau, and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, demanding a thorough investigation into the link between the Independent National Electoral Commission and a printing company believed to be owned by Talabi during the last elections.

But the source said the agency grilled the SSG on a petition lodged by Talabi himself on the allegations.

The source further disclosed that the DSS state command initiated the inquiry to ascertain the veracity of some allegations against Talabi on ballot papers printing among others.

The source further said that among the issues addressed during the questioning was his alleged role of Superflux Printing Limited in the Covid-19 palliative controversy.

The DSS was also said to have asked Talabi questions on the company’s connection to significant sums of money related to Ogun State and its role in the 2023 elections.

It was gathered that the allegations raised concerns about the potential impact on the credibility of the upcoming elections.
The source, however, assured the general public of the command’s commitment to a thorough and meticulous investigation.

He said the agency seeks to unravel the complex web of allegations surrounding Talabi and his association with Superflux Printing Limited.

The outcome of this investigation will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for Ogun State and its governance.

Several attempts to get in touch with Talabi proved abortive as he had not responded to several calls put to his mobile line.
He had also not responded to the text message sent to him on his invitation by the DSS

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