Breaking $350k Fraud: Bidemi Rufai speaks from US prison, debunks bringing investors to Ogun - NIGERIAN NEWSORBIT


Friday, December 09, 2022

Breaking $350k Fraud: Bidemi Rufai speaks from US prison, debunks bringing investors to Ogun

Former Senior Special Assistant on Housing to Governor Dapo Abiodun, Mr Abidemi Rufai who was recently convicted for covid 19 fraud in United States of America has denied report which went viral few days back that he claimed to have brought some investors to the state.

Bidemi made the clarification last night in a phone chat with Gateway Times Nigeria from the Federal Prison in US.

The report had alleged that Rufai during his short stint as one of the aides to the governor always collect $50,000 each time he brought an investors to the state and that he was paid $2,000 monthly salary

Rufai said it was unfortunate that he got himself involved in the fraudulent activities but denied ever dragging the name of the government into the fraud mess.

In the brief chat which lasted between 8:19pm and 8:27pm on Wednesday evening, Bidemi was quoted to have said, ” Yes, I am speaking from a sane mind as I need to make this crucial clarification.

“I am granting this interview with you from my Transfer Centre in Oklahoma from where I will head to New Jersey, my designated institution in a matter of few days.

“Please let it be on record that I never granted interview or claimed during my trial that I was bringing investors to Ogun state. My salary as SSA to Gov Abiodun was N300,000 monthly and this you can verify. Again, the issue of being paid $50,000 dollars for bringing investors only existed in the mind of those who are spreading the twisted report.

“I regret every bit of my action for getting involved in the Covid 19 fraud. It was a huge disappointment and I have become remorseful after all. I am hoping to face my rehabilitation process of some educational programmes in the prison here.

“But please note once again that the report of bringing investors and getting $50,000 dollars was satanic and false”.

“I am not a stranger to challenges, but the major obsession for me is finding ways to turn my challenges to amazing opportunities. This is what I am trying to do in the prison institution,” Rufai concluded.

Culled from Gateway Times

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