Ikenne LG Chairmanship aspirant, Ayomide Ogunmoye unfolds plans, promises grassroots governance at its best - NIGERIAN NEWSORBIT


Friday, April 02, 2021

Ikenne LG Chairmanship aspirant, Ayomide Ogunmoye unfolds plans, promises grassroots governance at its best

A leading Chairmanship aspirant for the seat of Ikenne local government in the forthcoming local government poll in Ogun State, Comr Ayomide Ogunmoye has said that his intention is to replicate the massive good work of Gov Dapo Abiodun at the local government level.

Comr Ayomide Ogunmoye popularly called Tooto and one of the foremost youth leaders in the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ogun State disclosed this in an interactive session held with some journalists at his home town, Ilisan Remo.

Speaking on why he is offering himself to be the next Chairman of Ikenne local government, Ogunmoye said ''the passion for excellent grassroots governance, passion for selfless leadership and readiness to team up with our hardworking and very benevolent governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun in wiping the tears from the faces of our people and develop the local government are the major reasons why I urge my people at Ikenne local government to support me in this race".

Ogunmoye said "as a very energetic youth, I know the whole of our local government like the back of my hands, I know the pains and worries of my people, I know where the shoes are pinching them and so I am that round peg in the round hole with that God's given capacity to effect that positive change they have always clamoured for in the local government"

Unfolding his plans for the residents of the local government, Ogunmoye said his administration would focus on road rehabilitation across the five towns of the local government while there would also be massive and intentional investment in upgrading markets in the local government to them more conducive for the traders.

Tooto as he is fondly called said that in the area of qualitative healthcare delivery, his government would not only ensure that the primary health care centres are adequately equiped with drugs and requisite medical personnel, but he had also secured partnership with an non governmental organization to run free medical outreaches every two months and this would be rotated among the five towns in the local government.

He disclosed further that in the area of education, his administration would join force with Gov Abiodun to build more classrooms, create conducive learning environment for the students and most importantly resuscitate the use of monitoring officers who will always monitor the activities of the teachers and students and forward weekly report to his office for appropriate actions.

The frontline LG aspirant explained further that, aside this, he would also institute scholarships for indigent but brilliant students while there will also be cash backed motivational awards for teaching staff who demonstrated excellence at their various duty posts among other welfare packages for the teachers.

Ogunmoye said he would also invest a lot in school sports with a view to spotting raw talents that could be groomed to be international stars saying that "everyone knows that sport is now a goldmine, I think one other way to support youth development is investing in sports and this I strongly believe my administration will do so well to empower the youths"

The LG aspirant revealed further that one other good thing his administration would do in the area of infrastructure is to see how some projects did by past governments such as several boreholes across the local government are repaired and put to good use for the benefit of the people.

He stated further that one other pivotal area his government would focus on is prudent management of resources and blockage of any leakage as well as massive investment in agric business all in a bid to increase the Internally Generated Revenue of the local government.

He said "luckily for us, the governor of our dear state who incidentally is also from our local government has just kicked off the construction of the Agro Cargo Airport and I can assure you that all these we will leverage on to improve on the economic prosperity of our people in the local government".

Ogunmoye stated that his government would also support Gov Abiodun's commitment to strengthen the security architecture of the state by regularly supporting the security agencies, particularly, the newly inaugurated Amotekun corps and the police saying that his government would have zero tolerance to anything that could disrupt the peace of the local government.

The LG aspirant said "if the narrative about poor governance at the grassroots must be abolished, I stand a good chance to do that and that is why I believe that when the time comes, my great party, APC should rally round my candidature and give me the task of replicating the good works of Gov Dapo Abiodun at Ikenne local government. It's really going to be grassroots governance with a lot of difference".

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