Otunba Segun Showunmi
When I met you some years back and I saw your passion and desire to ensure that our great nation begin to live to its potential maximally, I had thought you were one of the few who are naturally Apostolic only on Sundays and Satanic from Monday to Saturday
I had thought that your interest was just a caricature, but as time goes on, the tempo has not dropped, the desire is being ardently pursued, the pain you bear when you discuss the state of the Nation with me in the closet, is the same you carried to the media and say it to the world the way it is.
When I consider the amount of money you spent on media, I, then realized that there is more to this than what an average politician carried, if it was appointment, I know many times you have been offered juicy ones which you declined, you told me in one of our closet discussions that not all appointments are to be taken.
It took me time to understand your philosophy and the reason for this vigorous pursuit for a great Nigeria, having seen many politicians that when they are an inch closer to the gate of power, the rhythm changes, but for you, steadfastness is entrenched, you will say it the way it is.
I learnt from you that one should not wait for applause and that even if what you are saying is unpopular among the elites, once it serves the interest of the masses stick to it.
Otunba Segun Showunmi, you are in a league of your own, in a class of your own Excellency, you are not like them, who say 10 words and one cannot be proven to be true.
The funniest thing is that the minute majority that you are speaking to advocate for, are the ones being paid stipends to come attack you on social media, you still make efforts to enlighten them and give them reasons why the people in government should do better.
I started laughing the day I realized you know all of them like the palm of your hand, all the blood suckers who are milking the political system dry, the day I know how they come behind the seen to salute you for speaking senses into their senseless skulls, then I realized that these people are naturally wicked and heartless and that it will take a conscientious effort of a true patriot like you to set their brain in the right order.
Sagua, do not worry if you are under celebrated, this is the world where people will offer Jesus to be killed instead of a thief, do not commit it to heart when they over celebrate you this is the world where they will say Hossanah today, crucify him tomorrow, just keep doing your things, the future is now, it will only get better.
Another thrilling thing about you is your compassion for the poor, you are the type who help people without setting a camera or shouting at the rooftop, even Rep members, Senate member, Executives who are robbing Peter to pay Paul are always taking camera to capture what they are using our common wealth for so that we can ignorantly applaud them.
I salute your courage, the ranting of a mad rabid dog is not given a second thought by you, rather you roar and walk away leaving them trembling and fearful.
Permit me to borrow some lines from a traditional poem written by Adedeji Babalola titled 'Salute to an Elephant'
Ajanaku, the possessor of a savings- basket full of money, O Elephant huge as a hill, even in crouching posture, O elephant, enfolded by honour, Segun, flapping fans of war, Segun Showunmi who snaps tree branches into many pieces and moves on to the forest farm, you ignore “I have fled to my father for refuge", let alone 'to my mother'.
A mountainous Animal, a huge beast who tears a man with words like a garment and mould those who deserve to be moulded with same, and hangs them up on a tree.
The sight of you causes political thieves to stampede towards a hill of safety, (their Godfather), Ajanaku who walks with a heavy tread. Showunmi who swallows their antics and hatred bunches whole, even with the spiky pistil-cells.
Showunmi who single-handedly causes a tremor in a dense tropical forest.
Otunba whom one sees and points towards with all one's fingers.
Their political boast at home is not repeated when they really meet the Showunmi, just the way the hunter's boast at home is not repeated before the elephant.
Oh the great swordsmith, the coiner of his words, this is part and parcel of the Segun Showunmi's appellation.
If you wish to know the Showunmi, he continually swings his trunk sprinkling water of relief on all and sundry.
Oh Sagua respectfully called the Solomon of our time by all.
Your analysis always makes them stayed glued to their seats, the man they call to thank for helping them solve their almighty formula.
Anthony that they see and call him Ekun, the only man who will not sugarcoat a bitter pill, no matter how close to Otunba he will not hesitate to give you your coin, the man I call Conscience of the Nation, title that are usually given to those who will speak the truth in the face of persecution and tyranny.
As you celebrate another landmark today, may the good Lord continue to uphold you and grant you peace in Jesus name.
As we champion the need to embrace the alternative ways of doing things apart from their crooked ways, may the light of God illuminates your path the more…
The future we have been waiting for is here…
Worldfamous Ajibola Oluwafidipo
Chief Promoter Ayidayida Communications
Media/ PR Consultant.
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